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A Dad and His Dog: Make Every Moment Count

Lori Davidson | 07 February, 2023

            A Dad and His Dog:  Make Every Moment Count

Dog Dad Zack Manko and his dog Sorcha remind us care for our pets’ health needs. Preventive medicine is important!


It is the mission of Pet Perennials to celebrate all of the milestones in our shared lives with our pets. Although we specialize in pet loss and providing solace and showing sympathy, loss is just one step in our journeys with our beloved pets. Part of making the most of our lifetimes together with our pets means taking care of them so that they are around to celebrate more and more of these milestones.


Most of us already strive to care for our critters, but if you need an extra boost, February is the month for several different causes dedicated to pet health and pet care. From cats to horses (and any animal in between), this month will get you in gear to take care of your pets.


Take a Bite

Each February the American Veterinary Medical Association advertises Pet Dental Health Month. This cause is designed to draw attention to taking care of your pet’s teeth and their oral health in general. Many times, oral diseases go unnoticed until it is too late, and our pets have trouble eating or cannot eat at all.


Next time you have your pet at the vet, ask them to look at their mouth and teeth. Want to avoid trouble down the line? Rather than handing them a treat, get them a new toy—like this Frozen Yogurt Chew Toy—and offer to play with them instead. Remember, pets with healthier teeth have better health overall, which means they will live longer!


Pounce On This

February is also National Cat Health Month. While many people consider cats as “low-responsibility” pets, the truth is they need their own special type of care. For example, cats are carnivores, and owners should consider this when formulating their diet. Wet cat food tends to have more actual meat and protein than dry, so consider that next time you are shopping.


Litter boxes are another unique facet of cat ownership. Maintaining proper hygiene is something your cat will want to do naturally, so be sure to help them out by getting a litter box that is big enough for them and keeping it somewhere that is private and quiet. Scoop it daily, but also wash the box itself regularly.


Cats also need playthings to help them grow and develop, and to release energy to prevent acting out. Need a refresher for your cat’s toy box? Know someone that just adopted a kitten? You can’t go wrong with this Cat Toy Multipack—from fuzzy mice to crinkly toys, there’s something for every feline!


Hoofin’ It

While we usually tend to focus on dogs and cats in this blog, we know those aren’t the only critters out there. Sure, birds and rodents like hamsters are common, and reptiles do find their way into many households, but this month the spotlight is on something larger. Something a little more magnificent. Something more . . . hoofed.


February is International Hoof Care Month. Like Pet Dental Health month, this is a specialist cause for a major point of concern in animal health. In addition to taking extra care of your horse’s hooves, this month is also dedicated to all the farriers, vets, and other equestrian foot care professionals that help our horses stay healthy.


Since we rarely talk about horses in this blog, we’d like to take the opportunity to remind you to be aware of the needs of those in your life who might be grieving over losing their hoofed companion. If you know someone going through a period of loss, they may need more help than you think.


We can make reaching out to them and lending a shoulder to cry on pain and awkwardness free. Our blog section has many articles about pet loss, grief, and the bereavement process. A good place to start is with a gift, like this Crystal Rainbow Sun Catcher, that reminds them that the memories of their beloved pet will always be with them.


Stealing Hearts Is Ok, But . . .

We couldn’t forget about February 14th. If you are thinking this is just for Saint Valentine’s Day, think again. February 14th is also National Pet Theft Awareness Day. The originators of this initiative wanted to shed light on the disgraceful act of pet theft. While it may seem far-fetched, the kind of thing that only happens in mid-90s movies starring loveable St. Bernards, pet theft is actually rising at a concerning rate.


Luckily, you can stop dognappers in their tracks by getting your pets microchipped. This procedure will ensure that you can track down Fido no matter if he got lost on a joy ride or is the victim of some unscrupulous animal thieves. Pet theft aside, when animals do go missing—which happens to 33% of pets—only 20% of them are reunited with their owners.


Lessons Live On

For many of us, our first experiences with pets we had as children. From playing with the family dog to helping to name a slew of hamsters, it is common to share our younger years with some beloved pets.


Moreover, many of our parents saw a pet as an opportunity to teach us discipline and responsibility. It’s great to play and pet Fido, but it is less exciting to clean up after him. Still, doing so taught us the rewards that came with hard work and caring for something that we could call our own.


Fittingly, then, February is Responsible Pet Owners Month. While all the causes we have in February could fall under the mantle of being a responsible pet owner, we recommend that you use this one as an opportunity to reflect on the lessons you learned as a kid. The simple joy of feeling good, feeling proud after performing your duty is something we need to remind ourselves of sometimes.


Caring, Now and Forever

Our lives with our pets are journeys full of unforgettable milestones. From pet adoptions to paw-printed birthdays, Pet Perennials has the resources to make these events special and memorable. And remember, the more responsible you are as a pet owner, the longer you’ll get to spend with your four-footed friend.


Take care!


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