This adorable, smiling lab is “Olive”, Remy’s inspiration for Pet Perennials and our test pilot! She is as brave in spirit as she was in life. Olive was a special gal, gentle kind and quite an athlete! She loved to play fetch, from Frisbees, balls, sticks and even pine cones. She enjoyed long walks with her owner and sniffing out the deer in her backyard – but she was quite a scaredy-cat when they showed her who was boss of the woods. Remy was very fortunate because Olive joined her every day at her office. She held her rightful place on the loveseat there for 7 beautiful years. Olive became suddenly ill one day, and within a short while was diagnosed with acute kidney failure. Unfortunately, the illness was irreversible and her body failed her quickly. It was a very difficult time, yet Olive’s spirit is alive and well and is celebrated through this endeavor.
Lori struggled after losing two 16 year old Bichons within months of each other. It took a while before she felt ready to open her heart to another baby. Christmas season of 2008 found her shopping at a local pet store, looking for gifts for her grand-kitties. On a whim she walked past the cat holding area for the local animal shelter. There he was, looking at her through the bars of his crate. Lori knew better, but held him anyway. Having second thoughts about the responsibility she and a friend headed to lunch. All Lori could think about during lunch was that cute little face and after a quick lunch she and Snookie were heading home. Lori marvels at how quickly her little man took over the cottage. As with most cats, he enjoys waking her early so he can be fed. Snookie does this by tapping Lori’s face gently and saying, “Mom.” When Snookie wants to be let outside he runs to the door and meows, “Out.” If it is inclement weather Lori will tell him, “Tomorrow.” Much to her surprise Snookie will mimic “tomorrow.” Not one of her friends believed this until they heard him for themselves. Lori refers to Snookie as her dog-cat, as he even comes when he is called. (Of course in reality this means he runs top speed until he’s within sight, then he saunters the last few steps so he won’t give the impression that he cares. He is a cat after all!) And as Lori’s daughters point out, “Snookie is the son mom never had.” Lori feels blessed to share her home with this little