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Recognizing a Pet that Crossed the Rainbow Bridge

Remy Bibaud | 01 March, 2017

            Recognizing a Pet that Crossed the Rainbow Bridge

As featured in Groomer to Groomer Magazine   by Pet Perennials' Remy Bibaud

You have primped and pampered them for a lifetime. No matter how fussy a dog or cat might be when they come in to be groomed, each and every one of them has made a way into your heart. Pets are never here as long as we would wish. When it comes time for each to pass from this earth, the simple truth is that you feel the sadness too! Imagine the void that it has left with your customer whose pet has crossed the rainbow bridge. These pet parents have trusted you with their fur babies, many since they were puppies or kittens, and that tells a lot about you! So honor that relationship by finding a way to recognize a beloved animal.

5 Reasons for Recognizing a Customer’s Pet Loss

1) Pets are family too! When someone’s family member passes away you would traditionally recognize that loss. For so many pet owners their dog or cat is thought of and treated like family.

2) Groomers are “hairdressers to pets”. You have been entrusted with the care of someone’s pet, often for years. The services that you provide to a pet and their owner create a strong and lasting bond.

3) Disenfranchised grief. Studies show that grief from pet loss is often more difficult than that of losing a relative. Additionally, outsiders misunderstand these feelings which can leave the pet parent to feel alone and embarrassed about their grief.

4) Children take it hardest. If your customer has children you can assume that this may be their first experience with death, so including them in your pet loss condolence is very important.

5) Customer satisfaction. An old marketing adage says that a satisfied customer is a repeat customer. Honoring a beloved fur baby speaks volumes. On top of that, the average American owns 3 to 4 pets over a lifetime, increasing the likelihood that when their next dog or cat needs to be groomed, they will call on you!

Assuming that you know about the loss, here are some simple ways that you can let a valuable customer know that you care. Even if you don’t find out about it right away, anything that you do at a later time will be received with an open and grateful heart.

4 Simple Ways to Honor & Recognize a Pet That Has Crossed the Rainbow Bridge

1) Send a sympathy gift. It doesn’t have to be expensive, there are many options available from trinkets to living memorial ideas such as flowers and plants. If you can customize the gift or message it is even better.

2) Send a handwritten card or note. Taking the time out of your busy day to pen a personalized message would be greatly appreciated.

3) Post a tribute to the pet on your social media page/s. If you have a social media presence, posting a tribute is the modern way to commemorate an animal’s special place in your heart. The added bonus is that it gives you another reason to post to your followers.

4) Make a personal phone call. Who uses the phone anymore to actually make a call? With texting and SMS messaging, the phone doesn’t ring often, other than with pesky sales people. Therefore, imagine how your soothing voice could help a grieving heart.

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