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Founder's Desk: Keeping Life Simple at the Lake

Lori Davidson | 19 April, 2022

            Canadohta Lake Life Kayak Time Early Spring with Friends

From the Desk of Lori Davidson - April 2022

Everyone should have a place to escape to that feels safe, heals the heart, and provides hours of friendship and laughter. For me this spot is Canadohta Lake, or as my friends like to call it, "Healing Waters." I am also lucky enough to call this home.

Considering the world news, having a spot that provides such a respite has been a blessing. It used to be a summer community more than year round. However, over the course of the past ten years so many more have converted summer cottages to year round residences. I suppose the reasons are many. And I suppose the ability of our workforce to do their jobs remotely has been a game changer, especially for those of us seeking a simpler way of life. 

So what is Canadohta Lake like? I love describing my life here as "living in a 1960s Eddie Bauer catalog." Winters can test your will to stay as we're located in the snow belt that is fueled by Lake Erie. Snow and ice can pile up rather quickly. But the beauty of nature more than makes up for those blistery days.

Still snowing at the lake Canadohta Springs

This time of year tests my patience. Days go from rainy and chilly to snowy and cold, interspersed with sunny 70 degree days that make you dream of summer.

Summer means morning coffee kayak rides around the lake, lunch time breaks to dip in the water and cool off, along with late afternoons spent floating away your worries. Evenings bring campfires lakeside and more time with friends. 

When I first moved to the lake my girls had been off to college for a while and I'd been rambling around our family home alone (with two dogs). I'd spent a lot of time at the lake with friends enjoying summer festivities so the next phase of life seemed easy to envision. I moved from a large house in town to a small, one bedroom cottage. I thought I'd be okay for a while, but was worried about the limited space. 

As time moved on, so too did I as far as my "needs." Along with many of us as we age, I found that simpler was better. Less clutter. Less baggage. Less stress. 

Fourth of July at Canadohta Lake PA

So although we all may not be ready for that next step, try and take the time to unplug, laugh, and unclutter the unnecessary from your lives. Self-care is something that can be pushed aside when life is busy. Don't let it happen.

Oh, in case you were wondering, I'm the one in the pink kayak. So until next time... Cheers to a beautiful Spring, lots of laughs, and most importantly... peace... in our hearts and throughout the world. Simple. Lasting. Uncomplicated. Peace.


Cheers to Spring and Summer at Canadohta Lake

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