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Founders Blog: How Pets Guide Our Hearts In Our Life's Journey

Remy Bibaud | 12 February, 2021

            Lori Davidson Co-founder Pet Perennials with her cat Pumpkin

Co-founder Lori Davidson February 3, 2021

February has arrived cold and for many, snowy! Seems fitting weather to match our psyches as we plod through another month of challenging days stripped of (once taken for granted) dinners out and time spent laughing with friends and family. Life’s gifts during these stressful times may sometimes be hard to see. This month I am choosing to stay positive by practicing gratitude and love. This month I will acknowledge the gifts life continues to share with me as I reflect on those I love and those who have meant so much to me over the years. February is my time to rest and reflect as I look forward to Spring.

I want to share a bit about my love for my pets as that love was integral in my decision to move forward with Pet Perennials.

Arnold and Snowflake had been my daughters’ pups and had been part of our family as the girls grew through childhood and into their teens. When they were both finally in college, I had faced an empty nest single, yet “not totally” since I spent my days in the company of our two dogs. Not long after that our home seemed too big and empty and I settled into a small cottage at a lake. Life was good. One afternoon in early Fall I returned from the office to find Arnold lying as close to Snowflake as possible. He did not want to leave her side. Snowflake crossed the rainbow bridge that day. My heart sank. He and Snowflake had been together since they were born. We adopted them together when they were just six weeks old. I barely remembered life before them.  

Arnold and I leaned on each other, but time and his age were not on our side, so a short five months later the inevitable happened.  It was Arnold’s time. And just like that sixteen years of faithful companionship was gone. My heart sobbed. They were family. Now my nest truly was empty.

Months passed and I stopped by a pet store to pick up supplies for two stray kittens I had found a home for with one of my daughters. As luck would have it, the local animal rescue was there that day with an array of cats in need of homes. What harm could there be in looking?

Snook Man and I met. I held him, and so began our mutual love fest. He is my boy. Then along came Pumpkin. Snookie was not happy. But someone had dropped her on a dirt road at just five weeks. I figured I would nurse her back to health and find her a good home. That lasted less than a day. That was three and a half years ago. Foster failure and happy about it!

My pets are and always have been my family. Little did I know that shortly after Snookie had entered my life that pets would become my career choice too.

About six years ago and in the fifth decade of my life (and about this same time of the year) I took a leap of faith and started Pet Perennials with my business partner, Remy. To put it all on the line at that stage in my life seemed a questionable decision, but... It felt right. It felt real. It felt authentic.

Today I remain grateful for this business, for the chance to touch so many hearts and honor the lives of so many fur-babies. So today as I list the folks that I am grateful for, know not only am I grateful for my family and friends, for Remy’s partnership, for our mission and for those that support us in our path forward, know I am grateful for all of you.

Your turn. What or who are you thankful for?

February is heart month. Is there a better time to say, “I love you” and give thanks for those special “hoomans” and furry family members that make our lives worthwhile?

Stay happy. Be well.


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