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A Dad and His Dog: Things That Go Woof (Or Meow!) In the Night

Remy Bibaud | 01 October, 2019

            A Dad and His Dog: Things That Go Woof (Or Meow!) In the Night

Fall is a time for pumpkins, hayrides, and - of course - Halloween. It’s also a great time to get outside with your pet and have some fun in the crisp weather. However, be careful in mixing spending time with your furry companions and some of these fall activities - especially Halloween. Unless you plan ahead and use your judgement, this holiday can spell disaster for your pooch or feline pal.

Here are the best tips for having a safe Halloween when you have things that go woof(or meow) in the night.

PetPerennials.com Hannah Reilly in Pumpkin Patch

Dress Up Mess Up 

It's no secret that adults like dressing up for Halloween as much as kids. Equally popular is dressing up dogs, cats, and other animals for this fun holiday. However, as cute and fun as it is to put your pooch in a princess dress or superhero cape, many animals are afraid of or bothered by costumes.

When this happens, they can be prone to act out (by biting, for example) when you try to slip that monster costume on them. Furthermore, while some animals may endure the initial dressing, the costume may put them in an aggravated state of anxiety and tension, which can be dangerous for them and for others. 

Paws on the Pavement 

Whether costumed or not, be weary about taking Fido out with you for trick-or-treating. On Halloween night, even familiar streets are filled with strange sights and sounds, which can put your creature ill-at-ease. To lessen the risk of your dog biting, running away, or simply misbehaving, be sure to thoroughly leash train and socialize them. A well-mannered and controllable critter has the best chance of having a safe and fun trick-or-treat.

Candy Caveats 

Beware of more than ghosts and goblins during the aftermath of your trick-or-treat haul. Candy is a serious Halloween hazard for many reasons.

Plastic wrappers can cause upset stomachs and more lasting gastric distress. They can also cause internal injuries and bleeding. Hard candies and "jawbreakers" are a serious choking hazard. And of course, chocolate can be harmful and even lethal for dogs. 

To keep your monster mutt or prettied-up pedigree safe, keep candy out of reach, such as in a cabinet or on top of the fridge. Do not give your critter any candy - instead, opt for some halloween-themed dog treats and snacks. The result will be a safe and happy pet, and more candy for you. What could be better? 

Keep Your Critters Safe 

We all love celebrating Halloween with friends and loved ones - even those covered in fur. To have a safe and fun trick-or-treat, just use your head and follow the advice above - and don't take any apples from witches.

Have a Happy Halloween! 

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